Teacher Job Performance Scale Urdu

Teacher Job Performance Scale Urdu

Teacher Job Performance Scale Urdu The Teacher Job Performance Scale is a valuable tool designed to measure the effectiveness of teachers’ job performance. It is based on the idea that a teacher’s performance can be evaluated based on various factors such as knowledge, skills, and competencies. The scale was developed using a committee approach, and … Read more

Teacher Stress Inventory Urdu

Teacher Strees Inventory Urdu

Teacher Stress Inventory Urdu The Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI) is a widely used instrument for measuring sources of stress and manifestations of stress in teachers’ work domains. Given the fact that teachers have been identified as one of the most stressed professions around the world, this inventory provides a reliable and valid measure aimed at … Read more

Aggression Questionnaire Urdu

Aggression Questionnaire Urdu

Aggression Questionnaire Urdu The Aggression Questionnaire Urdu (AQ) is a widely-used psychometric assessment tool designed to measure aggressiveness in individuals. The measure consists of 29 items, divided into four subscales: physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility. The AQ is frequently used in research and clinical settings to evaluate a range of aggressive behaviors. The … Read more

Trait Emotional Awareness Scale Urdu

Trait Emotional Awareness Scale Urdu

Trait Emotional Awareness Scale Urdu The Trait Emotional Awareness Scale (TEAS) is a widely-used psychometric assessment tool that is designed to evaluate an individual’s emotional awareness. The measure focuses on three aspects: attention to feelings, clarity of feelings, and regulation of feelings. The TEAS is intended for use with adults and has been used extensively … Read more

Affiliative Tendecy Scale Urdu

Affiliative Tendecy Scale Urdu

Affiliative Tendecy Scale Urdu The Affiliative Tendency Scale (MAFI) is a well-known psychometric assessment tool used to evaluate an individual’s preference for affiliative behavior. It was initially developed by Mehrabian in 1994 and can be used to assess an individual’s affiliative nature in various contexts. The MAFI consists of 20 items and uses a 7-point … Read more

Emotional Empathy Scale Urdu

Emotional Empathy Scale Urdu

Emotional Empathy Scale Urdu The Emotional Empathy Scale (EES) is a self-report measure intended to assess emotional empathy. EES is based on the model of emotional empathy, as suggested by Mehrabian (1996). The EES consists of 30 items, which were subjected to principal components analysis in 331 postgraduate students belonging to various educational institutes of … Read more

Reactions to the Emotional Empathic Situations Urdu

Reactions to the Emotional Empathic Situations Urdu

Reactions to the Emotional Empathic Situations Urdu The REES method involves presenting participants with a series of social situations designed to elicit emotional reactions and asking them to rate the intensity of their emotional reactions. The REES method uses the same social situations used in the Social Situations Generated Empirically Through in Depth Interviews (SSEGID) … Read more

Social Situations Generated Empirically Through in Depth Interviews Urdu

Social Situations Generated Empirically Through in Depth Interviews Urdu

Social Situations Generated Empirically Through in Depth Interviews Urdu The SSEGID is a qualitative method in which participants are presented with a series of social situations and are asked to describe their emotional reactions to each situation. These situations were generated from in-depth interviews conducted with participants from diverse backgrounds and with different levels of … Read more

Parental Authority Questionnaire Urdu (Paternal and Moternal)

Parental Authority Questionnaire Urdu (Paternal and Moternal)

Parental Authority Questionnaire Urdu (Paternal and Moternal) The Parental Authority Questionnaire Urdu (PAQ) is a widely used psychological tool that measures parents’ attitudes towards their children, as reflected in their perceptions of parental authority (Buri, 1991). PAQ assesses three different forms of parenting styles, namely authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. The questionnaire consists of 30 items, … Read more